Thursday 18 August 2011


Love can be described in many different ways and can also be felt in different ways. To me there are a few phrases that describe love.

"Love is when you could be anywhere in the world but you choose to be with them because life is better with them by your side"

"Love is when you know more about someone than they do themselves"

I know it sounds ridiculous but I love love, it makes everything better, it makes us smile a little bigger, laugh a little louder and walk with a spring in our steps. I've been lucky enough to be in love and still am. Love can be hard, its not always a walk in the park but if you're willing to put the effort in it can be magical. Love is made up of many different elements.... Honesty, passion, commitment, trust, loyalty & faith. The most unfortunate part of love is that people give up too early, they hit a bump and give up trying its so upsetting to see. Your lover should be your best friend you should be able to share everything with that person. When you find someone who supports you no matter what, who loves you unconditionally & who would sacrifice anything to be with you then never let them go. Soulmates are hard to find and a lot of people waste time on all the wrong people when the right person has been there all along. No matter what life throws at you or how hard it may seem sometimes never stop loving because you never know what's around the corner.

Thanks for reading.

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